THE PATH OF PURITY & TRUTH 13th October 2024

Welcome to the first offering from the Path of Purity & Truth. Which will sometimes be written as the POPT. This comes as part of a ‘content platform’ for the Path of Purity & Truth Online Mystery school.

I often ask myself, what is the purpose behind these penned reflections? The simplest answer is that I wish to share my discoveries, delving into the layers and patterns deeply rooted in our histories—histories that have been purposefully catalogued by mainstream religions and their associated hierarchies. Much of this has involved a deliberate process of esoteric manipulation, where the original teachings have been reshaped and repackaged, often centuries ago.

This transformation is most evident in early Christianity, which arrived with a clear agenda to Christianise the masses. In doing so, they skilfully wove elements of nature-based religions into their own doctrine. After all, how else would they have enticed the so-called "pagans" to abandon their sacred woods and enter their churches?

Yet, beneath it all, so much of the original purity has been distorted and buried under layers of religious rhetoric. The true essence, lost in translation, has been left to fade in the shadows of history.

Over millennia, we have drifted away from the purity, magic, and harmony of nature, and instead embraced a brashness marked by violent biblical warfare—driven by fear, domination, slavery, and rigid laws. It begs the question: how did we get here, and why? What is the larger agenda? Could this all simply be some grand experiment? What is so inherently wrong with nature-based beliefs that they must be colonised and controlled?

Why did the biblical age seek to eradicate pantheons of elemental Gods and Goddesses, only to rebrand them under a monolithic "one God" and "one saviour" patriarchal framework?

All it takes is a handful of soil to see the truth. Whether it’s from an arid desert, a lush jungle, the shores of an ocean, or a field in Europe, that soil has witnessed it all—raging battles, the footsteps of pilgrims, nations of displaced people, or simply the quiet cultivation of crops. Yet, no matter what transpires above it, the earth always returns to its natural state, cleansed by nature’s life-giving elements.

Religious rhetoric, however, remains deeply ingrained in the human psyche, bolstered by belief systems passed down through generations. These words, originating from religious texts, continue to shape minds until, eventually, someone begins to question their authenticity—realizing that what has been handed down may no longer resonate as genuine truth.

Religious texts were written to chronicle the rise of the biblical age, outlining its moral framework—often questionable to those with wisdom—interwoven with parables of deceit and epic journeys, all underscored by laws, commandments, and the threat of damnation. This fear-based rhetoric was designed for maximum control. The modern ideal often gets romanticized into an idyllic scene of a Sunday morning service in a quaint village, followed by a cozy family dinner. But this peaceful image is a far cry from the true historical backdrop of centuries of violence, ethnic cleansing, slavery, and the suppression of women.

Religious institutions systematically perpetuated misogynistic ideologies, targeting women's mystical powers with contempt. One can never forget the gender genocide of the so-called "witch persecutions," orchestrated by the Church to subjugate the feminine. This wasn’t just about religion—it was about power. Men's fear and inability to control their primal urges led to a demonisation of women. The feminine, with its innate and compelling energy, has always intimidated the masculine. Why? Because the forces of nature, embodied by women, are persuasive, uncontrollable, and powerful. Instead of addressing their own insecurities, men found it easier to create fear-based gender inequality, oppressing and marginalising women for centuries.

This fear-based marginalisation extends beyond gender, seeping into misunderstandings between cultures and societies. Man’s fear of what he cannot control drives a cycle of oppression.

As we stand in the present and look beneath the layers of history, we find ancient purity buried beneath the patterns and overlays of patriarchal control. Madame Blavatsky once spoke of the "fifth root race" of biblical superpowers. It makes one wonder about the civilizations that came before us and vanished—often in cataclysmic events. What were those times really like? Were they a utopian vision of balance, peace, and harmony? Or, was it always necessary to erect temples and create tools to restore equilibrium after other, external disruptions took hold?

Therefore I envisage that the journey to uncover ‘The Path of Purity & Truth’ will indeed be a labour of love, tinged with a dose of ‘bloody-mindedness’, as I try and understand Earth and its human inhabitations, as I seek to find a ‘Shangri-la’ amidst old beliefs and defence related programming.

For me, to discover a truth, which of course is often subjective, will come firstly with trying to clarify my truth as I see it and what is meaningful to me. Then if I can align that to the Universal principles, which allow me to transcend the cultural, political and religious differences. Then try and align it to love and compassion and a route to freedom along my search for wisdom. Maybe I can learn to be an example and embody authenticity by continuing to walk my own lineage based path.  Not only for my own higher understanding via an openness and willingness to learn more.

I will endeavour to inspire and not to preach, just to share. As an Andean Lineage Chacaruna, my role is to be a bridge, not a barrier and I will try my best to be a good storyteller.


Iyanla Bivinet Ashi Au Bari