A "true" Mystery School, by definition, serves as a sanctuary where students commit themselves to safeguarding, nurturing, and perpetuating the esoteric teachings that form the foundation of spiritual enlightenment. Across the annals of time, these schools have remained veiled yet discernible, preserving ancient wisdom within a lineage of physical initiations, tracing back to epochs such as the era of King Solomon. Central to their tradition is the oral transmission of knowledge, passed down through generations in a sacred practice known as handing down.
In the context of the Path of Purity & Truth, its claim to the mantle of a "true" Mystery School lies in its lineage, tracing back to the Divine Mothers, Iyami—the progenitors of humanity's spiritual journey since time immemorial. Rooted in the profound wisdom enshrined within the Mother's Sacred Libraries and the boundless depths of the High Akashic Records, its teachings embody the essence of ancient truth.
The decision to establish the Mystery School in an online format emerges from a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. Rather than confining its teachings to a fixed physical location, the online platform ensures that seekers from all corners of the globe, irrespective of geographical constraints, can partake in the journey of enlightenment. This approach fosters a sense of unity among students, transcending boundaries of nationality and circumstance, and inviting all who seek truth to walk the path of purity and enlightenment.